Teemu Leppänen, Jose Alvarez Lacasia, Masayuki Iwai, Kaoru Sezaki, Yoshito Tobe, Jukka Riekki
37th IPSJ UBI Research Conference
Information Processing Society of Japan
We present distributed system architecture for smartphone-based participatory sensing applications, where the computational load is distributed between the participating devices. The system allows using of static data to reduce the computational load further. Secondly, we present a conceptual participatory sensing application for detecting pedestrian flocks moving into the same direction in certain area, using this architecture. The flock detection is based on selecting an energy efficient set of sensors in the smartphone and available location-based static data, provided by previous computations by the smartphones or by external Web services. Initially, we believe this method reduces energy consumption in the participating devices beyond the previous approaches. We present distributed system architecture for smartphone-based participatory sensing applications, where the computational load is distributed between the participating devices. The system allows using of static data to reduce the computational load further. Secondly, we present a conceptual participatory sensing application for detecting pedestrian flocks moving into the same direction in certain area, using this architecture. The flock detection is based on selecting an energy efficient set of sensors in the smartphone and available location-based static data, provided by previous computations by the smartphones or by external Web services. Initially, we believe this method reduces energy consumption in the participating devices beyond the previous approaches.
T Leppanen, MI JoseAlvarezLacasia, K Sezaki, Y Tobe… - 研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI), 2013
T LEPPANEN, J ALVAREZ LACASIA, M IWAI… - 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告: 信学技報, 2013