Mohit Taneja
Waterford Institute of Technology
With more devices on-board the Internet every day, there is a constant drive to balance Quality of Service (QoS) with an efficient use of resources. At present, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications are entirely hosted in the cloud. With emerging ‘smart’ scenarios in verticals such as dairy farming, health, home, mobility, etc., the real-time communication delay from the cloud platform necessitates the need to use computing platforms closer to the data source. While a traditional centralized cloud approach has led the path towards a pivotal revolution in modern-day computing, the emerging IoT era gave way to its own range of applications demanding a lower response time, efficient network usage, and improved data protection, to name a few. In this age of IoT, the devices along the things-to-cloud continuum present a unique opportunity to additionally serve as computing hubs. Termed fog computing, this paradigm can …