Martina Raue, Bernhard Streicher, Eva Lermer
Springer International Publishing, Cham
Humans are inherently curious—from the very start of our lives, we strive to explore our environment. Children want to know what happens when they drop their plate or whether a pen can draw on the wall. As adults, we are in constant search for information about the world around us. This immanent curiosity is a driving force of human, social, and technological development. Innovation involves taking risks, but while being inherently curious, humans have a tendency toward risk avoidance. As a result, curiosity alone often does not induce progress because humans are also driven by a need for safety, control, and predictability. Being curious and valuing safety are two sides of the same coin when it comes to taking risks. Thus, finding a balance between these two drivers of motivation is a major challenge for individuals, organizations, and societies. Researchers of various disciplines have extensively studied risk …