Steve Sider, Mary Ashun
How do experienced teachers develop a global perspective through a professional development course and how can this perspective impact classroom practice? These are the two key questions which this paper examines. We utilize Guskey’s (2002) model of teacher change as a framework for understanding the results of a study involving experienced teachers who took a professional development course which had a focus on global education. The participants engaged in a number of activities four months after the completion of the course to explore how the course had impacted their classroom teaching practice. Common themes were identified through participant reflective papers and questionnaire-responses which gave insight into what the participants felt were key aspects of learning in the enhancement of their global perspective. The paper provides an opportunity to consider Guskey’s (2002) model for teacher change, particularly the sequence with which teacher attitudes and beliefs change. As well, we discuss how teachers’ commitment to global citizenship can be shaped and how this might impact classroom practice.