Mohammad Reza Hassanzadeh Gorakhki, Daniel W Baker, Stephanie F Pilkington
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
A flipped classroom is an instructional approach which delivers instructional content outside of classroom and then uses class time for learning activities. Our control-impact study design paired two sequential rigid body motion topics (relative velocity of bodies in general plane motion and instantaneous centers of zero velocity) in Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics. Both spring 2018 course sections took the paired pre-and post-assessments, while the instructional methodology (traditional lecture+ flipping) was alternated between the two sections. The traditional lecture sessions used lecture-based instruction and related homework problems. For the flipped sessions, instructional material consisted of recorded lectures, watched prior to class, and the in-class learning activity was a hands-on 50 minutes group activity using Mindstorms Legos to create rigid-body motion systems. Each student was required to answer …
MRH Gorakhki, DW Baker, SF Pilkington - 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019