Pedro Abreu, M Aglietta, M Ahlers, EJ Ahn, Ivone Freire da Mota Albuquerque, D Allard, I Allekotte, J Allen, P Allison, A Almela, J Alvarez Castillo, J Alvarez-Muniz, M Ambrosio, A Aminaei, L Anchordoqui, S Andringa, T Antici'c, Carla Aramo, E Arganda, F Arqueros, H Asorey, P Assis, J Aublin, M Ave, M Avenier, G Avila, T Bäcker, AM Badescu, M Balzer, KB Barber, AF Barbosa, R Bardenet, SLC Barroso, B Baughman, J Bäuml, JJ Beatty, BR Becker, KH Becker, A Bellétoile, JA Bellido, S BenZvi, C Berat, X Bertou, PL Biermann, P Billoir, F Blanco, M Blanco, C Bleve, H Blümer, M Bohácová, D Boncioli, C Bonifazi, R Bonino, N Borodai, J Brack, I Brancus, P Brogueira, WC Brown, R Bruijn, P Buchholz, A Bueno, RE Burton, KS Caballero-Mora, B Caccianiga, L Caramete, R Caruso, A Castellina, O Catalano, G Cataldi, L Cazon, R Cester, J Chauvin, SH Cheng, A Chiavassa, JA Chinellato, J Chirinos Diaz, J Chudoba, M Cilmo, RW Clay, MR Coluccia, R Conceiçao, F Contreras, H Cook, MJ Cooper, J Coppens, A Cordier, S Coutu, CE Covault, A Creusot, A Criss, J Cronin, A Curutiu, S Dagoret-Campagne, Richard Dallier, S Dasso, K Daumiller, BR Dawson, RM De Almeida, M De Domenico, C De Donato, SJ De Jong, G De la Vega, WJM de Mello Junior, JRT de Mello Neto, I De Mitri, V De Souza, KD De Vries, L Del Peral, M Del Río, O Deligny, H Dembinski, N Dhital, C Di Giulio, ML Díaz Castro, PN Diep, F Diogo, C Dobrigkeit, W Docters, JC d'Olivo, PN Dong, A Dorofeev, JC Dos Anjos, MT Dova, Domenico D'Urso, I Dutan, J Ebr, R Engel, M Erdmann, CO Escobar, J Espadanal, A Etchegoyen, P Facal San Luis, I Fajardo Tapia, H Falcke, G Farrar, AC Fauth, N Fazzini, AP Ferguson, B Fick, A Filevich, A Filipcic, S Fliescher, CE Fracchiolla, ED Fraenkel, O Fratu, U Fröhlich, B Fuchs, R Gaior, RF Gamarra, S Gambetta
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
IOP Publishing
It is almost 50 years since cosmic rays with energies of the order of 100 EeV (1 EeV≡ 1018 eV) were first reported [1]. Soon after the initial observation of such cosmic rays it was realized by Greisen [2], Zatsepin and Kuz’min [3] that their interactions with the cosmic microwave background would result in energy loss that would limit the distance which they could travel. This would suppress the particle flux and result in a steepening of the energy spectrum. If the observed flux suppression [4, 5] is due to this mechanism, it is likely that the cosmic rays with energies in excess of≃ 50 EeV could be anisotropic as they would originate in the local Universe. Several searches for anisotropy in the arrival directions of UHECRs have been performed in the past, either aimed at correlating arrival directions with astrophysical objects [6, 7] or searching for anisotropic arrival directions [8–11]. No positive observations have been …