Bonnie Alexander, Andrea L Murray, Wai Yen Loh, Lillian G Matthews, Chris Adamson, Richard Beare, Jian Chen, Claire E Kelly, Sandra Rees, Simon K Warfield, Peter J Anderson, Lex W Doyle, Alicia J Spittle, Jeanie LY Cheong, Marc L Seal, Deanne K Thompson
Academic Press
Investigating neonatal brain structure and function can offer valuable insights into behaviour and cognition in healthy and clinical populations; both at term age, and longitudinally in comparison with later time points. Parcellated brain atlases for adult populations are readily available, however warping infant data to adult template space is not ideal due to morphological and tissue differences between these groups. Several parcellated neonatal atlases have been developed, although there remains strong demand for manually parcellated ground truth data with detailed cortical definition. Additionally, compatibility with existing adult atlases is favourable for use in longitudinal investigations. We aimed to address these needs by replicating the widely-used Desikan-Killiany (2006) adult cortical atlas in neonates. We also aimed to extend brain coverage by complementing this cortical scheme with basal ganglia …