E Toniato, R Ross, SK Kritas
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents
Coronaviruses are a family of common RNA viruses that can cause seasonal colds and even serious infections of the lower respiratory tract followed by bronchitis and pneumonia (1). Acute respiratory viral diseases are caused by respiratory tract infections that afflict the world community globally and cause about 4 million deaths per year, of which about 40% are caused by coronavirus (2). Severe acute respiratory syndrome is given by coronavirus-19 (SARS-CoV-2 also referred to as CoV-19), a family of common RNA viruses that can provoke seasonal colds, and even serious infections, followed by bronchitis and pneumonia, particularly in vulnerable subjects (3). Many inflammatory phenomena of severe pneumonia can occur with the flu, and can be avoided through vaccination thus effectively reducing the number of deaths (4). The severity of the disease depends on the efficiency of the immune system, which in a healthy subject allows to respond better to antibiotics and anti-inflammatories in order to obtain a better prognosis (5). The new CoV-19 spreads in the population at a rate of 0.8-3% more than normal influenza. If CoV-19 would spread with a higher incidence rate (over 10%), and affect the people who live in closed communities such as islands, it would cause many more deaths. This is because the inhabitants of islands, often far from societies with greater communication, have less contact with the various strains of coronavirus. The immune system of the islanders who have never come into contact with coronaviruses does not have an effective immune response, therefore they would be more affected by the disease (COVID-19 …