Kevin W Bowyer, Mark J Burge
Springer London
The arrival of this Handbook in 2012 suitably marks a number of milestones and anniversaries for iris recognition. The most breathtaking of these is the fact that now on a daily basis more than 100 trillion, or 10-to-the-14th-power, iris comparisons are performed. This juggernaut (a Hindi word, appropriately) was unleashed by the Indian Government to check for duplicate identities as the Universal Identification Authority of India, or UIDAI, enrolls the iris patterns of all its 1.2 billion citizens within 3 years. This vastly ambitious program requires enrolling about 1 million persons everyday, across 36,000 stations operated by 83 agencies. Its purpose is to issue each citizen a biometrically provable unique entitlement number (Aadhaar) by which benefits may be claimed, and social inclusion enhanced; thus the slogan of UIDAI is:“To give the poor an identity.” With about 200 million persons enrolled so far, against whom the …