Duncan Chambers, Louise Preston, Anna Topakas, Stevienna de Saille, Sarah Salway, Andrew Booth, Jeremy Dawson, James Wilsdon
University of Sheffield
Over the past decade, the need for greater diversity and inclusion across research systems and institutions has received greater emphasis from policymakers, funders, universities, learned societies and wider stakeholders. In this context, the impetus being placed on diversity and inclusion in Wellcome Trust’s latest strategy is timely and important. 1
In support of this strategy, the primary aim of this project is to undertake a systematic and critical review of the evidence base for a positive relationship between a diverse and inclusive health research community, and the qualities and impacts of the research they undertake. The review draws on evidence from across the research system, with a primary focus on health and biomedical research. It also draws on related literatures on diversity, inclusion, equality and coproduction across health systems and services, and organisational diversity and inclusion.