Sung Hoo Kim, Patricia Lyon Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella
International Choice Modelling Conference 2019
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are seen as a game changer in areas such as system management, transportation planning, and land use policy, among others. To date, many studies have focused on adoption of AVs or willingness-to-pay for new AV technologies, in particular during the gradual market penetration of AVs. However, questions about the behavioral changes induced by AVs in a fully-automated era are also extremely relevant. AVs can provide new types of benefits, and thus they have the potential to trigger not only short-term decisions but also long-term decisions. Some studies have started to investigate possible transportation landscapes in such an era (eg Kim et al., 2019). Although we cannot fully trust today’s responses, some persistent patterns may begin to emerge even now, and it is not too soon to prepare for an AV-era by considering the policy implications that can be gleaned from such studies.