A Ozkan, Anthony Van Herrewege, Ingrid Verbauwhede, S Berna Ors
URI= https://www. researchgate. net/publication/305956412
Today’s computing platforms are becoming more and more mobile and networked, while their tasks get increasingly critical. Therefore, the need to verify and identify that a local or remote computing platform behaves as expected has become an important challenge. Software and hardware attestation protocols have been proposed to solve this problem in the past few years. While many vulnerabilities and attacks have been discovered against the proposed software based solutions, hardware based solutions are too costly for lightweight embedded devices. Recently, lightweight solutions requiring minor hardware changes have been proposed for the low-end embedded devices. One of the state of the art approach is SMART (Secure and Minimal Architecture for Root of Trust), which memory accesses are controlled by looking at the program counter (PC), offered by El Defrawy et al.[1].
In this work, the SMART …
A Ozkan, A Van Herrewege, I Verbauwhede, SB Ors - URI= https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2014