Shuncheng Liu, Xu Chen, Yan Zhao, Jin Chen, Rui Zhou, Kai Zheng
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
Query cost estimation, which is to estimate the query plan cost and query execution cost, is of utmost importance to query optimizers. Query plan cost estimation heavily relies on accurate cardinality estimation, and query execution cost estimation gives good hints on query latency, both of which are challenging in database management systems. Despite decades of research, existing studies either over-simplify the models only using histograms and polynomial calculation that leads to inaccurate estimates, or over-complicate them by using cumbersome neural networks with the requirements for large amounts of training data hence poor computational efficiency. Besides, most of the studies ignore the diversity of query plan structures. In this work, we propose a plan-based query cost estimation framework, called Saturn, which can eStimate cardinality and latency accurately and efficiently, for any query plan structures …
S Liu, X Chen, Y Zhao, J Chen, R Zhou, K Zheng - Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference …, 2022