Fatima Binta Adamu, Adib Habbal, Suhaidi Hassan, U Utara Malaysia, R Les Cottrell, Bebo White, Ibrahim Abdullah, U Utara Malaysia
SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States)
The operations of the Internet have led to a significant growth and accumulation of data known as Big Data.Individuals and organizations that utilize this data, had no idea, nor were they prepared for this data explosion.Hence, the available solutions cannot meet the needs of the growing heterogeneous data in terms of processing. This results in inefficient information retrieval or search query results.The design of indexing strategies that can support this need is required. A survey on various indexing strategies and how they are utilized for solving Big Data management issues can serve as a guide for choosing the strategy best suited for a problem, and can also serve as a base for the design of more efficient indexing strategies.The aim of the study is to explore the characteristics of the indexing strategies used in Big Data manageability by covering some of the weaknesses and strengths of B-tree, R-tree, to name but a few. This paper covers some popular indexing strategies used for Big Data management. It exposes the potentials of each by carefully exploring their properties in ways that are related to problem solving.
F Adamu, AMM Habbal, S Hassan, RL Cottrell, B White… - 2015