Mastura Bohari, Farahwahida Mohd Yusof, Azlina Mohd Kosnin
Since Mayer and Salovey introduced the concept of the teacher’s emotional intelligence in the 1990's, studies on it have gained traction among researchers. Instruments and questionnaires assessing emotional intelligence have been developed as part of survey studies based on Western and modern theories of emotional intelligence and have received widespread attention in research and treatment, including for the purpose of resolving emotional problems among Muslim teachers. The aim of this pilot study was to generate empirical evidence regarding the validity and reliability of a teacher-created Emotional Intelligence item based on Surah Yusuf. The study enrolled 70 Muslim teachers at a national secondary school in Kota Tinggi, Johor, using simple random sampling methods. Validity and reliability of the Teacher's Emotional Intelligence instrument in Surah Yusuf are determined using the Model Rasch app in conjunction with Winstep version 3.73 software. Cronbach’s Alpha for the item was 0.98, according to the analysis. The item has an individual reliability index of 0.96 and an item reliability index of 0.91. The PTMEA-CORR value for the item polarity test was positive, indicating that items for each construct can move parallel to one another. Despite the fact, item matching test (fit item) revealed that nine items had to be dropped due to an out-of-range MNSQ. The study discovered that 101 out of 110 items could be used to assess the four constructs of the teacher's emotional intelligence in Surah Yusuf. Overall, it is critical to ensure that the Teacher's Emotional Intelligence instrument based on Surah Yusuf