Matthew Mattoni, Thomas Olino, Holly Sullivan-Toole
Adolescence is characterized by rapid neurodevelopment of reward systems and increases in reward-seeking behavior. This developmental period is adaptive for learning behavioral approaches related to reward acquisition, but heightened sensation seeking is also associated with risky behaviors such as substance use. Moreover, adolescence is a key risk period for psychopathology such as depression and anhedonia, which are associated with decreased reward functioning. In contrast, cognitive inhibitory control shows a slower, but still increasing, developmental trend across adolescence. Adolescents with less inhibitory control have also been shown to engage in more risky behaviors such as substance use. Overall, adolescents tend to show a sharp increase in reward-related functioning, and relatively less steep increases in inhibitory control, and individual differences in these domains are associated with key outcomes such as substance use and depression. Thus, examining factors that predict individual differences in the trajectories of reward responsivity and inhibitory control may provide key insights into the etiologies of key outcomes as well as provide opportunities for early intervention. While the general trajectories of reward responsivity and inhibitory control across adolescence are relatively well understood (Shulman et al., 2016, DCN), little work has examined predictors of individual differences in these developmental trajectories. Here, we examine developmental trajectories of reward sensitivity and inhibitory control across adolescents ages 9-16. We also examine baseline neural and clinical predictors of trajectories of reward …