Madhuri H Parekh
International Journal of Advanced Networking Applications
----------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-------------------------------------------------------------Cloud computing is the latest technology that delivers computing resources as a service such as infrastructure, storage, application development platforms, software etc. Huge amount of data is stored in the cloud which needs to be retrieved efficiently. In Cloud Computing using of Clustering Process from Heterogeneous Network fetch the data find out the row data. Clustering is consists of many of the same or similar type of Machine. Hierarchical clustering groups data over a variety of scales by creating a cluster tree or dendrogram. The retrieval of information from cloud takes a lot of time as the data is not stored in an organized way. Data mining is thus important in cloud computing. We can integrate data mining and cloud computing which will provide agility and quick access to the technology. The integration should be so strong that it will be able to deal with increasing production of data and will help in efficient mining of massive amount of data. In this paper, we provide brief description about cloud computing and clustering techniques. Then, it also describes about cloud data mining. This paper proposes a model that applies traditional hierarchical improved agglomerative clustering algorithm and distributed on heterogeneous network.