Ankita Gandhi, Ajay Dhabaria
XML is the language of business transaction & used as a specific standard format to exchange any documents or messages. XML encryption which is the one most popular technology to handle complex requirement for securing any XML file. In this paper, we represent the implementation of message security in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). For that we use XML Encryption with Odd–Even data Techniques compliance with W3C’s working draft for XML encryption. Here we have to take two security factor confidentiality & data Integrity. Confidentiality is maintained by applying XML Encryption & Data integrity is maintained by XML Signature. SOA is largely based on the concept of services. In terms of services-communication between consumer and provider. A provider is a system that implements a service so that other systems can call it. A consumer is a system that calls a service (uses a provided service). so here we have to create a web service & also measure the message security.