Ashish Sharma, Sachin Sourav Jha, Sahil Arora, Shubham Garg, Sandeep Tayal
Smart and Sustainable Intelligent Systems
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Everyone must be aware of Quora, the site which is used by everyone. Be it a student, a teacher, a professional, or anyone, this site has something for everyone as it can help in solving queries related to every subject. You just need to post your query and you can rest assured that several fellow users would be putting their hands up to resolve your query. There is a problem though, sometimes multiple users can have similar queries but they fail to realize that a similar question has already been posted on the forum. So sometimes, a situation can arise where several users have submitted a similar query. The users who answer the question might not be aware that there are different versions of the question, so they end up missing the other versions. In this research paper, the aim is to classify a question pair if they are similar or not. To do this, we have used a dataset given by Quora on Kaggle. That dataset …
A Sharma, SS Jha, S Arora, S Garg, S Tayal - Smart and Sustainable Intelligent Systems, 2021