Gavin Brelstaff, Andrew Blake
Specularities-bright image regions formed by specular refection-are likely to be mistaken for genuine surface markings by processes that perform photometric analysis, derive motion fields from optical flow or estimate depth from binocular stereo. In addition they can be used to infer surface geometry. This paper describes a scheme for detecting specularities based on a characterisation of Lambertian surfaces. Real surfaces are not simple composites of Lambertian and specular surfaces but evidence suggests that away from specularities they do not deviate from the Lambertian model by more than a factor of 3 or so. This proves adequate to serve as a constraint for specularity detection. Two independent tests identify image regions where the constraint is violated. The detector is shown to performs well on a variety of real images. Applications: improving binocular stereo and inferring surface geometry are described …