Gunel Jahangirova, David Clark, Mark Harman, Paolo Tonella
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.10787
During testing, developers can place oracles externally or internally with respect to a method. Given a faulty execution state, i.e., one that differs from the expected one, an oracle might be unable to expose the fault if it is placed at a program point with no access to the incorrect program state or where the program state is no longer corrupted. In such a case, the oracle is subject to failed error propagation. We conducted an empirical study to measure failed error propagation on Defects4J, the reference benchmark for Java programs with real faults, considering all 6 projects available (386 real bugs and 459 fixed methods). Our results indicate that the prevalence of failed error propagation is negligible when testing is performed at the unit level. However, when system-level inputs are provided, the prevalence of failed error propagation increases substantially. This indicates that it is enough for method postconditions to predicate only on the externally observable state/data and that intermediate steps should be checked when testing at system level.
G Jahangirova, D Clark, M Harman, P Tonella - arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.10787, 2020
G Jahangirova, P Tonella - 2019