Yingfei Xiong, Xinyuan Liu, Muhan Zeng, Lu Zhang, Gang Huang
Proceedings of the 40th international conference on software engineering
Test-based automatic program repair has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. However, the test suites in practice are often too weak to guarantee correctness and existing approaches often generate a large number of incorrect patches.
To reduce the number of incorrect patches generated, we propose a novel approach that heuristically determines the correctness of the generated patches. The core idea is to exploit the behavior similarity of test case executions. The passing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave similarly while the failing tests on original and patched programs are likely to behave differently. Also, if two tests exhibit similar runtime behavior, the two tests are likely to have the same test results. Based on these observations, we generate new test inputs to enhance the test suites and use their behavior similarity to determine patch correctness.
Our approach is evaluated on a …
Y Xiong, X Liu, M Zeng, L Zhang, G Huang - Proceedings of the 40th international conference on …, 2018
X Liu, M Zeng, Y Xiong, L Zhang, G Huang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09120, 2017