Md Rashedul Hasan, Jiawei Li, Iftekhar Ahmed, Hamid Bagheri
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12425
The growing adoption of declarative software specification languages, coupled with their inherent difficulty in debugging, has underscored the need for effective and automated repair techniques applicable to such languages. Researchers have recently explored various methods to automatically repair declarative software specifications, such as template-based repair, feedback-driven iterative repair, and bounded exhaustive approaches. The latest developments in large language models provide new opportunities for the automatic repair of declarative specifications. In this study, we assess the effectiveness of utilizing OpenAI's ChatGPT to repair software specifications written in the Alloy declarative language. Unlike imperative languages, specifications in Alloy are not executed but rather translated into logical formulas and evaluated using backend constraint solvers to identify specification instances and counterexamples to assertions. Our evaluation focuses on ChatGPT's ability to improve the correctness and completeness of Alloy declarative specifications through automatic repairs. We analyze the results produced by ChatGPT and compare them with those of leading automatic Alloy repair methods. Our study revealed that while ChatGPT falls short in comparison to existing techniques, it was able to successfully repair bugs that no other technique could address. Our analysis also identified errors in ChatGPT's generated repairs, including improper operator usage, type errors, higher-order logic misuse, and relational arity mismatches. Additionally, we observed instances of hallucinations in ChatGPT-generated repairs and inconsistency in its …