Anjo Vahldiek, Eslam Elnikety, Aastha Mehta, Deepak Garg, Peter Druschel, Johannes Gehrke, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Ansley Post
We present Guardat, an architecture that enforces rich data access policies at the storage layer. Users, application developers and system administrators can provide per-object policies to Guardat. Guardat enforces these policies and provides attestations about the state of stored objects. With Guardat, the data integrity, confidentiality and access accounting rules for a collection of objects can be stated as a single declarative policy. Policy enforcement relies only on the integrity of the Guardat controller and any external policy dependencies; it does not depend on correct software, configuration and operator actions in other parts of a system. Guardat allows developers, system administrators and third-party hosting platform providers to enforce concise, system-wide data protection policies based on a small trusted computing base, and to demonstrate their compliance to any party that trusts the Guardat layer. We present a design and prototype implementation of Guardat, show experimentally that the overhead of making policy checks and storing additional metadata are low, and discuss applications and policies.
A Vahldiek, E Elnikety, A Mehta, D Garg, P Druschel…