Xiaoquan Zhang, Lin Cui, WaiMing Lau, Fung Po Tso, Yuhui Deng, Weijia Jia
Loughborough University
In-network computing (INC) is a new paradigm that allows applications to be executed within the network, rather than on dedicated servers. Conventionally, INC applications have been exclusively deployed on the data plane (e.g., programmable ASICs), offering impressive performance capabilities. However, the data plane’s efficiency is hindered by limited resources, which can prevent a comprehensive deployment of applications. On the other hand, offloading compute tasks to the control plane, which is underpinned by general-purpose servers with ample resources, provides greater flexibility. However, this approach comes with the tradeoff of significantly reduced efficiency, especially when the system operates under heavy load. To simultaneously exploit the efficiency of data plane and the flexibility of control plane, we propose Carlo, a cross-plane collaborative optimization framework to support the network …