Evelyn Ruppert, Penny Harvey, Celia Lury, Adrian Mackenzie, Ruth McNally, Stephanie Alice Baker, Yannis Kallianos, Camilla Lewis
CRESC, The University of Manchester and the Open University
The working paper is a report on an ESRC-fundedproject, Socialising Big Data, that sought to address problematic conceptions of Big Data in popular discourse such as the ‘data deluge’ and the tendency to reduce the term to definitions such as the oft-cited‘3 Vs’. Instead, building on how social scientists have conceived of things, methods and data as having social and cultural lives, the project sought to identify the normative, political and technical imperatives and choices that come to shape Big Data at various momentsin its social lives. Recognising that Big Data involves distributed practices across a range of fields, the project experimentedwith collaboratories as a method for bringing together and engaging with practitioners acrossthree different domains –genomics, national statistics and waste management. In this way it explored how relations between data are also simultaneously relations between people and that it is through such relations that a shared literacyand social framework for Big Datacan be forged.
E Ruppert, P Harvey, C Lury, A Mackenzie, R McNally… - 2015