Edwin J Nijssen, Michel Van der Borgh, Dirk Totzek
2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Consumers and Firms in a Global World February 14-16| San Diego, CA: Proceedings
American Marketing Association
“The driver towards commoditization is perhaps the most powerful force in business today.” Bülent Dumlupinar (2006), p. 104
This statement still holds true in today’s marketplace where many products in our daily life undergo the process of commoditization leading to homogenous products. Smartphones, televisions, detergents, or food products are just a few examples of categories that become more and more homogenous (Dumlupinar 2006). Even if the products of the same category show visual differences, consumers might not perceive them as differences. From a consumer perspective, the category’s products do not differ in function and performance, making them interchangeable to one another (Enke, Geigenmüller, and Leischnig 2014). Consequently, consumers make their purchase decisions based on prices triggering firms to fight price wars (Matthyssens and Vandenbempt 2008; Reimann, Schilke, and Thomas 2010). Thus, product commoditization evolves as a major threat for firms’ competitive advantage and economic performance. As all product cate-
EJ Nijssen, M Van der Borgh, D Totzek - 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Consumers …, 2020