Sarath Babu Dodda, Srihari Maruthi, Ramswaroop Reddy Yellu, Praveen Thuniki, Surendranadha Reddy Byrapu Reddy
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and Applications
The meteoric rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous aspects of human life, from facial recognition software to self-driving cars. However, alongside its undeniable benefits, AI's increasing sophistication presents a complex ethical landscape. This paper delves into the intricate nexus of AI and moral philosophy, exploring the ethical quandaries that emerge from their interaction. One of the central concerns lies in the question of AI's moral agency. Can AI systems, devoid of human consciousness and emotions, truly be considered moral actors? Utilitarian and deontological ethics offer contrasting viewpoints. Utilitarianism, with its focus on maximizing overall well-being, might find AI's ability to process vast amounts of data and make objective decisions morally advantageous. Deontological ethics, however, which emphasizes the importance of adhering to pre-determined moral principles, raises concerns about the potential for AI to make decisions that violate established ethical frameworks, even if they lead to a seemingly positive outcome. Furthermore, the issue of bias in AI algorithms demands careful consideration. AI systems are often trained on vast datasets that may inadvertently reflect societal prejudices. This can lead to discriminatory outcomes, such as biased hiring practices or unfair loan applications. The paper will explore potential solutions to mitigate bias, including diversifying training data and implementing algorithmic fairness audits. The concept of machine responsibility is another crucial facet of the AI ethics debate. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous, who is accountable for their actions? Is it the …
SB Dodda, S Maruthi, RR Yellu, P Thuniki, SRB Reddy - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and …, 2021