Mohammed Aljebreen, Hanan Abdullah Mengash, Munya A Arasi, Sumayh S Aljameel, Ahmed S Salama, Manar Ahmed Hamza
IEEE Access
A more widespread Internet of Things (IoT) device is performing a surge in cyber-attacks, with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks posing a major risk to the reliability and availability of IoT services. DDoS attacks overwhelm target methods by flooding them with a huge volume of malicious traffic from several sources. Mitigating and identifying these attacks in IoT platforms are vital to maintaining the seamless function of IoT services and the maintenance of secret information. Feature selection (FS) is a key stage in the machine learning (ML) pipeline as it supports decreasing the data size, enhancing model outcomes, and speeding up training and inference. As part of IoT with DDoS attack detection, FS proposes to recognize a subset of IoT-related features that is optimum to represent the traffic features and distinguish between malicious and benign activities. This study designs a new DDoS attack detection …