Laura Ferrari, ANNA Addessi
Proceedings of the 6th Conference of European Network of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (MERYC2013),
University of Applied Science, Le Hague
How could the introduction and use of new technologies be described in the nursery school? In 2003, Lanskhear & Knobel mapped a review of research on the use of new technologies with the 0-8 years age group. During the 2000s, researchers investigated the relationship between new technologies and music education with preschool and primary age school children. There is still little research about the interaction between toddlers and new technologies. The aim of this exploratory study was to observe two children aged three interacting with the MIROR Impro in a nursery school. As part of the MIROR project, the MIROR Impro has been tested with 4 and 8 year old children by Addessi, Ferrari & Carugati (2012). Their results found a particular presence of Flow during the children/machine interaction. The MIROR project is a collaborative project co-founded by the European Union and it deals with the development of an adaptive system for music learning and teaching based on the reflexive interaction paradigm: the MIROR Platform. The exploratory study was carried out in Bologna (Italy) and involved seven children aged 2-3 years old and practitioners. The operator invited the children (individually, in pairs or with the presence of the practitioner) to play freely with the MIROR Impro. The children took part at a preliminary meeting to meet the operators and see the equipment. Every session was video recorded. The observations underline the presence of particular conducts in children when they interacted with the system. During the exploration of the equipment we observed children participating in musical exploration, listening and turn taking …