Choudhary Vineet, Mandepudi Nobel Chowdary, Mandepudi Rani Chowdary
In this era of technology, there are still some domain areas where technology is not completely adapted. And one among these domains is the “education system”. There are many problems in this domain and one among them is “attendance system”, which leads to a lot of time waste (probably 15-25% of the total period time), despite wasting this amount of time, many times there causes error in the final attendance sheet. Attendance report is the legal proof of the presence of the student at a particular place and thus this makes the correct attendance report to be mandatory at any circumstance. The project proposed in this paper deals with attendance data of students, which is directly stored on the cloud, and which doesn't waste any precious minute of students and professors by maintaining 100% accuracy of the attendance data, after completion of total procedure, the professor can access the attendance report at the last minute of the class.
C Vineet, MN Chowdary, MR Chowdary