Päivi Hämäläinen, Jarmo Reponen, Ilkka Winblad
National Institute for Health and Welfare= Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos (THL)
The median of ICT costs per capita in hospital districts in 2007 was 23.7€(19.6€ in 2005 and 14.7€ in 2003) and in primary health care centres 12.4€(12.4€ in 2005 and 10.5€ in 2003). Total ICT costs have increased more rapidly than overall health care costs, currently representing 1.5% of the total spending on health care. Electronic patient records in Finland were put into comprehensive use first in local institutions. By now we have reached a level of regional utilization of electronic patient data. This builds a solid basis for services provided for citizens and for a national archive of health information. The progress seen during the National Healthcare Project is remarkable. All this development has been accompanied by the intake of structured core data, national classifications and coding systems. A new collaborative working model has been created for an interoperable national sharing of electronic patient records …