Kasra Ferdowsifard, Allen Ordookhanians, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, Nadia Polikarpova
Live programming is a paradigm in which the programming environment continually displays runtime values. Program synthesis is a technique that can generate programs or program snippets from examples. \deltextThis paper presents a new programming paradigm called Synthesis-Aided Live Programming that combines these two prior ideas in a synergistic way. When using Synthesis-Aided Live Programming, programmers can change the runtime values displayed by the live \addtextPrevious works that combine the two have taken a holistic approach to the way examples describe the behavior of functions and programs. This paper presents a new programming paradigm called Small-Step Live Programming by Example that lets the user apply Programming by Example locally. When using Small-Step Live Programming by Example, programmers can change the runtime values displayed by the live visualization to …
K Ferdowsifard, A Ordookhanians, H Peleg, S Lerner… - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on …, 2020