Joshua A Kroll, Joanna Huey, Solon Barocas, Edward W Felten, Joel R Reidenberg, David G Robinson, Harlan Yu
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Important decisions about people are increasingly made by algorithms: Votes are counted; voter rolls are purged; financial aid decisions are made; taxpayers are chosen for audits; air travelers are selected for search; credit eligibility decisions are made. Citizens, and society as a whole, have an interest in making these processes more transparent. Yet the full basis for these decisions is rarely available to affected people: the algorithm or some inputs may be secret; or the implementation may be secret; or the process may not be precisely described. A person who suspects the process went wrong has little recourse.
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, EW Felten, JR Reidenberg… - University of Pennsylvania Law Review
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, EW Felten, JR Reidenberg… - U Pa L Rev
A Joshua, H Joanna, B Solon, F Edward, R Joel… - University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2017
E Felten, JR Reidenberg, DG Robinson, H Yu - Freedom to Tinker, September, 2012
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, EW Felten, JR Reidenberg… - Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY. http …, 2016
JA Kroll, S Barocas - University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2017
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, EW Felten, JR Reidenberg… - 2017
G Robinson, H Yu - University of Pennsylvania Law Review
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, EW Felten, JR Reidenberg… - 2017
JA Kroll, J Huey, S Barocas, S Barocas, EW Felten… - Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper
H Kroll, F Barocas, R Reidenberg - University of Pennsylvania Law Review