Fredrik Gustafsson
This book is rather broad in that it covers many disciplines regarding both mathematical tools (algebra, calculus, statistics) and application areas (airborne, automotive, communication and standard signal processing and automatic control applications). The book covers all the theory an applied engineer or researcher can ask for: from algorithms with complete derivations, their properties to implementation aspects. Special emphasis has been placed on examples, applications with real data and case studies for illustrating the ideas and what can be achieved. There are more than 130 examples, of which at least ten are case studies that are reused at several occasions in the book. The practitioner who wants to get a quick solution to his problem may try the ‘student approach’to learning, by studying standard examples and using pattern recognition to match them to the problem at hand. There is a strong connection to MATLABTM There is an accompanying toolbox, where each algorithm in the book is implemented as one function, each example is one demo, and where algorithm design, tuning, testing and learning are all preferably done in the graphical user interface. A demo version of the toolbox is available to download from the URL http://m. sigmoid. se. The demo toolbox makes it possible to reproduce all examples in the book in a simple way, for instance by typing book (’exl. 7’1, so all 250 figures or so are completely reproducible. Further, it might be instructive to tune the design parameters and compare different methods! The toolbox works under MATLABTM, but to some extent also under the freeware clone Octave. From the home page …