Wenhai Sun, Ruide Zhang, Wenjing Lou, Y Thomas Hou
2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM'18)
Search over encrypted data (SE) enables a client to delegate his search task to a third-party server that hosts a collection of encrypted documents while still guaranteeing some measure of query privacy. Software-based solutions using diverse cryptographic primitives have been extensively explored, leading to a rich set of secure search indexes and algorithm designs. However, each scheme can only implement a small subset of information retrieval (IR) functions and often with considerable search information leaked. Recently, the hardware-based secure execution has emerged as an effective mechanism to securely execute programs in an untrusted software environment. In this paper, we exploit the hardware-based execution environment (TEE) and explore a software and hardware combined approach to address the challenging secure search problem. For functionality, our design can support the same …
W Sun, R Zhang, W Lou, YT Hou - IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer …, 2018