In this paper, I will adopt the COCA with the corpus tools and resources created by Mark Davies on the website http://corpus. byu. edu/coca/to analyze the collocateswith the word habit. In the area of Applied Linguistics, there have been lots of scholars emphasizing the views of corpus linguistics as linguistic studies (eg Leech, 1992: 106; Stubbs, 1993: 2f; Tognini-Bonelli, 2001: 1; Teubert, 2005: 2), also as methods for research (eg McEnery & Wilson, 1996; Meyer, 2002; Bowker & Pearson, 2002; McEnery et al., 2006: 7f). In this paper, it is written that the corpus linguistics is for linguistic studies (cf. Stubbs, 1993); also the corpus linguistics is adopted to generate methods in applied linguistics (cf. McEnery et al., 2006). In the end of paper, it is concluded with the trend of the corpus linguistics towards a research methodology in applied linguistics.