Bethany Gosala, Emmanuel Raj Gosala, Manjari Gupta
International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence
Springer Nature Switzerland
The human brain is one of the most advanced, complex, and incredible machines which has continued to fascinate scientists, researchers, and scholars for hundreds of years. Many experiments and studies have been done on the human brain to understand its mechanism and how it works, yet we are not close to understanding its full potential. One way of studying the brain is to study the brain wave frequencies which are emitted by it. The brain emits five different types of waves namely, delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. Studying these different waves can help in solving various psychological issues, and problems like anxiety, stress, and depression which every human faces at least once in their life, according to WHO depression will be the main cause of mental illness by 2030. This work aims to find the influence of different brain waves and their involvement in the case of depression. For this, we have used …
B Gosala, ER Gosala, M Gupta - International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Trends …, 2023