ASY’ARI ASY’ARI, Ratno Abidin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan KALUNI
UMSurabaya Press
The purpose of this research was to analyze adiwiyata policy as a development effort of character and environmental concept. Therefore, care must come from ourselves and want to carry out activities that make people become care more and love the environment. The policy is the provision of an activity that has been implemented in the SMP Negeri 23. The provision is a manifestation of caring for the environment, because the Adiwiyata School is a learning activity that integrate with the environment. This research method used descriptive qualitative methods carried out in SMP Negeri 23 of Surabaya. Data collection techniques were done by observation, interviews, documentation directly towards the research subject specified. The results of the research were Adiwiyata School activities was not only about for cleaning outside the classroom, but in the form of various competitions, one of which was making a garden and making a biopori hole. Adiwiyata also could make the school more beautiful and cool so that it was comfortable to do learning activities. To carry out adiwiyata policiy which involved community of the school in purely environmental care is not easy, but all that can make the school community care about the environment by the way the activity is carried out continuously so that ultimately the character and care for the environment are formed by themselves.