J Tortosa, Jesús F Jordá Pardo, Esteban Álvarez-Fernández, Manuel Pérez Ripoll, Bárbara Avezuela Aristu, Juan V Morales-Pérez, María José Rodrigo García, Ricard Marlasca, Josep Antoni Alcover, Paula Jardón, Clara I Pérez Herrero, Salvador Pardo Gordó, Adolfo Maestro, María Paz Villalba Currás, Domingo Carlos Salazar-García
Archaeology of Maritime Hunter-Gatherers. From settlement function to the organization of the coastal zone.
Société préhistorique française
The significance of coastal areas to human survival and expansion on the planet is undeniable. Their ecological diversity and their use as communication routes are some of their most distinctive qualities. However, the evidence of exploitation of these resources has had an uneven preservation, which is limited to certain regions and more recent events, mainly sites with deposits from the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene. This paper analyses the data available on the use of marine resources between MIS 6 and MIS 1 (c. 150–9 ka BP) in Southern Iberia, one of the first regions in Europe where marine faunal remains were discovered, in archaeological deposits from Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. Therefore their presence here has not been a criterion of separation between Neanderthals and Modern humans, but it may be relevant to analyze changes in the use of small preys or assess the economic diversification in regions where this came at an early date. One of the aims of this study was to evaluate the diachronic trends of the different palaeobiological marine remains recovered from coastal and inland archaeological sites. This preliminary extract indicates that the analysis of marine resource exploitation cannot be classed as a mere listing of palaeobiological remains. This information may be relevant in the initial stages, but it is insufficient in the evaluation of techno-economic and sociocultural transformations that can be linked to the use of marine resources. The distribution of palaeobiological marine remains differs over time and also according to the location of the sites with respect to the changing coastline throughout the period analysed …
J Tortosa, JFJ Pardo, E Álvarez-Fernández, MP Ripoll… - Archaeology of Maritime Hunter-Gatherers. From …, 2016