Milan Kubina, Viliam Lendel
Technická univerzita v Liberci
In developed countries the change of business processes are distinguished in the orientation to a customer. Enterprises base their actions in the market not on “suspicions” or “experience”, but on knowledge that is acquired by analysing customer’s data. However knowledge-based activity of an enterprise is possible only when having processed the data on their basis motivated decisions to find, attract and keep customers are taken. This explains why at present it has particularly become fashionable to speak about customer relationship management [43]. It’sa significant possibility to create a relevant competitive advantage and a possibility to be successful on chosen markets [39]. The scientific paper analyses variants of CRM conceptions by reviewing different models of CRM creation, analysis of which allowed envisaging typical elements influencing the CRM building in company. Analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis and inductive method were main methods of the research. The analysis of scientific literature allowed revealing and theoretically finding the suitability of individual key elements for basic CRM system formation. By comparing different CRM models and applying the inductive method a hexagonal stellar model was designed. This scientific paper is organized as follows: we consider the concept of the CRM, present some definitions of CRM systems, as they are displayed in the literature. Main goal of the study is to contribute to the larger successfulness of organizations that decide for building of CRM. In the second and third section the paper considers the concept of CRM and how CRM systems are reported upon in …