Ghada Ben Zeineb, Sami Mensi
Journal of Economics and Development Studies
This study aims to explore the difference in terms of soundness between conventional banks and Islamic banks. The literature review doesn’t identify whether Conventional banks or Islamic banks are sounder during recent global financial crisis that resulted in the collapse of the majority of large conventional banks across the globe. At this time, Islamic banks were emerging as an alternative banking system which is supposed to be resistant toward a financial distress.[Boumediene and cabby (2009), Cihak and Hesse (2008), Omar and Duasa (2011), Zarrouk (2012) Beck (2013)]. More, this work aims to examine if the Profit Loss Sharing (PLS), as the main feature to Islamic banks, enhance its capability to resist face to a financial crisis. By performing this comparative analysis between this duality of banks, this project is an extension of the study begun by Cihak and Hesse (2008), and Bourkhis and Nabi (2013). Using cross-country bank data in 14 countries of the MENA region where Islamic banks and Conventional banks co-exist, we calculate the Z-score for a sample of 71banks (31 conventional bank, 40 Islamic bank) over the period 2004-2011. Based on the empirical research, we show that the Subprime Crisis has affected deeply the solidity of conventional banks during this event. Moreover, we mention that these banks were capable to reduce the negative impact and remain their solidity after this financial trouble. According to Islamic banks, our results are in line with those of Isa and Siddiqi (2006), Miniaoui and Gohou (2011), Gamaginta and Rokhim (2011) and Nabi and Bourkhis (2013). We find that even Islamic banks were not able to …