Davide Arcidiacono, Filipo Barbera, Andrew Bowman, John Buchanan, Sandro Busso, Joselle Dagnes, Joe Earle, Ewald Engelen, Peter Folkman, Julie Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal, Ian Rees Jones, Dario Minervini, Mick Moran, Fabio Mostaccio, Gabriella Pauli, Leonhard Plank, Angelo Salento, Ferdinando Spina, Nick Tsitsianis, Karel Williams
reposiTUm: Die Ökonomie des Alltagslebens: Für eine neue Infrastrukturpolitik reposiTUm ABOUT REPOSITUM HELP Login News Browse by Publication Types Organizations Researchers Projects TU Wien Academic Press Open Access Series Theses Digitised Works Year of Publication Notice This item was automatically migrated from a legacy system. It's data has not been checked and might not meet the quality criteria of the present system. Record link: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/24625 - Title: Die Ökonomie des Alltagslebens: Für eine neue Infrastrukturpolitik - Citation: - Publication Type: Buch - Monograph de Book - Monograph en Authors: Arcidiacono, Davide Barbera, Filipo Bowman, Andrew Buchanan, John Busso, Sandro Dagnes, Joselle Earle, Joe Engelen, Ewald Folkman, Peter Froud, Julie Haslam, Colin Johal, Sukhdev Rees Jones, Ian Minervini, Dario Moran, Mick Mostaccio, Fabio Pauli, …