Adaryani M Rezaei, Azimi A Vahedian
Students are the future managers of each country and in our country because of having a young population pyramid; the importance of them in managing country future is more outstanding. Therefore physical health especially their psychic condition is directly related to the community health in future. The purpose of this study was to compare depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life [QOL] of female and male students resident in Tarbiat Modares University dormitories. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study which used DASS21 and SF-8 questionnaires completed by subjects to measure the mentioned variables in 223 female and male dormitory students of Tarbiat Modares University. The subjects were selected using cluster sampling method. The results of this study showed that 51.6% of students suffer from depression, 39.5% from anxiety and 71.7% from stress. The level of depression, anxiety, and stress in male students showed to be higher than females. Student's QOL was moderate in 33.2% and poor in 4.9% of them. The relation between education level [MSc vs. PhD] and the main variables was not significant. Stress, anxiety and depression had a direct relation together and an inverse relation with QOL. Regarding to the results of this study, it is concluded that academic study is accompanied by a high level of depression and anxiety and lower level of QOL because of the presence of high levels of stress. So every society which thinks about its health and its future generations is expected to investigate on predisposing factors of stress, depression, as well as anxiety and remove them in order to ensure its future goals