Mona AS Ali
International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and usage statistics of the Tawakkalna and Sehaty programs. The study employed a cross-sectional methodology to collect statistics on usability and utilization. A random sample was used to collect data, and an online survey was given to the research population. A Likert scale with a range of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) was utilized. The results indicated that 147 individuals participated in the survey. More than half were female (85.1%), and more than half were citizens (66%). Tawakkalna was installed on the mobile devices of 97.9% of the population, while 89.4% had Sehaty installed. 38.3% utilize Tawakkalna twice daily, 34.0% utilize it once daily, whereas 61.7% utilize the Sehaty application monthly. The acceptance of Tawakkalna's usability and the interface is 61.7%, while Sehaty's is 57.0%. Information on Tawakkalna is helpful, updated, and accurate to 55.3%, 66%, and 61.7%, respectively. 36.2% of respondents indicated that it is tough to recover from any error, while 34% indicated that it is simple to recover in Tawakalna. 87.2% of the population utilized Tawakkalna's health services. In the instance of Sehaty, the usefulness, frequency of notification updates, rate of recovery, and accuracy of information are 40.4%, 38.3%, 38.3%, and 48.9%, respectively. Tawakkalna was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, while 89.4% of the population has been vaccinated with Sehaty. It serves multiple purposes, including health, educational, and tourism application aspects. Before the pandemic, a Sehaty application was utilized to give immunizations. The Mean and …