Manisha P Navale, Gurunath T Chavan
Now days the use of wireless networks such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) or Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is common and widely used in day to day life. Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANET) are dynamically formed by a group of mobile nodes that are connected via wireless links. MANETs are infrastructure-less and dynamic behavior networks. Due to this dynamic behavior and topology change of the network, QoS and security becomes challenging tasks in MANET. The proposed secure and QoS aware dynamic multipath routing protocol is used to improve the Security and QoS of MANET. This new protocol is named as QSAOMDV protocol for MANET. For quality improvement we are using dynamic multipath routing method which avoids stale routes by periodic maintenance, provides route switching prior to route breakage and achieving the security of communication by sharing secret key between the source and destination. This secret key is used for secure communication. With use of both these methods we can achieve better QoS and Security of routing prototcol.