Chenliang Li, Cong Quan, Li Peng, Yunwei Qi, Yuming Deng, Libing Wu
Proceedings of the 42nd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval
User reviews contain rich semantics towards the preference of users to features of items. Recently, many deep learning based solutions have been proposed by exploiting reviews for recommendation. The attention mechanism is mainly adopted in these works to identify words or aspects that are important for rating prediction. However, it is still hard to understand whether a user likes or dislikes an aspect of an item according to what viewpoint the user holds and to what extent, without examining the review details. Here, we consider a pair of a viewpoint held by a user and an aspect of an item as a logic unit. Reasoning a rating behavior by discovering the informative logic units from the reviews and resolving their corresponding sentiments could enable a better rating prediction with explanation.
To this end, in this paper, we propose a capsule network based model for rating prediction with user reviews, named …
C Li, C Quan, L Peng, Y Qi, Y Deng, L Wu - Proceedings of the 42nd international ACM SIGIR …, 2019