Danel Kaufmann
Page 1 a> N < o o Q o 15 a> N < o Z3 (/) o o </) Q o 5 WPS -ans 2 Policy Research Working Paper 2195 Aggregating Governance With the right method, aggregate indicators can j IndicatOrS P^ide useful estimates of 1 basic governance concepts as I well as measures of the 1 Daniel Kaufmann I imprecision of these Aart Kraay aggregate estimates and their Pablo Zoido-Lobaton components. The World Bank Development Research Group Macroeconomics and Growth and World Bank Institute Governance, Regulation, and Finance October 1999 D Page 2 Policy Research Working Paper 2195 Summary findings In recent years the growing interest of academics and policymakers in governance has been reflected in the proliferation of cross-country indices measuring various aspects of governance. Kaufmann, Kraay, and Zoido-Lobaton explain how a simple variant of an unobserved components model can be used to …