Mustafa Maad Hamdi, Sami Abduljabbar Rashid, Ahmed Adil Nafea
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science and Mathematics
VANETs are highly attractive and is used in maximum of the applications of cross-regional communication. To increase the coverage of the vehicular network, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs) are introduced, and they get connected with the satellite networks to perform heterogeneous communication. With the help of this connectivity, the communication quality of ground level to air medium is increased. Currently the vehicle usage is highly increased and as a results of communication link failure, improper resource allocation are arises whither abruptly assumes a stability about a network with that increases an energy consumption and communication delay in the heterogeneous networks. In these conditions, thus study is idea of Resource Allocation and Edge Computing for Dual Hop Communication (RAEDH) in introduced in satellite assisted UAVs enabled VANETs. The major sections of the approach are UAV assisted mobile computing, resource allocation among the vehicles and the UAVs, and dual communication among the vehicles and the UAVs. Through these methods the input resources are properly allocated and that reduces the power utility and communication delay. Initially, the vehicular network is established, incorporating trusted components like TA, RSU, and CRS. Subsequently, mobile edge computing reduces energy consumption through computation offloading and optimized UAV trajectory selection. Resource allocation, facilitated by whale optimization, ensures effective utilization across vehicles. The implementation of this method is done in NS3, and the scenario is analyzed using two parameters like number of vehicles …