Katerina Stephanou, Christopher G Davey, Rebecca Kerestes, Sarah Whittle, Jesus Pujol, Murat Yücel, Alex Fornito, Marina López-Sola, Ben J Harrison, Pilar Garcés, Ernesto Pereda, Juan A Hernández-Tamames, Francisco Del-Pozo, Fernando Maestú, José Angel Pineda-Pardo
COVER ILLUSTRATION Sarmiento et al. demonstrated that the brain controls the integration of information across the senses via predictions operating at multiple time scales in parallel. Judgements of visual stimulus durations are affected by simultaneous albeit irrelevant sounds, but this influence is modulated by statistical inference conveyed by the visual stimulus location as well as the immediatelypreceding trial history. Statistical regularities provide the necessary contextual information for goal-based mechanisms to control behaviour in a multiplexed manner, ie, across multiple time scales simultaneously. For more information, please see the associated article titled,‘‘Contextual Factors Multiplex to Control Multisensory Processes’’. See article by Beatriz R. Sarmiento et al., pages 273–288, this issue.